Chris Rothmeier


Multi-Species Angler

Home State:


Favorite Body Of Water:

Lake Mary

Target Species:


Favorite Norsk Product:



“Do less” Sometimes we try too hard, when all it takes is a simple approach to catch fish.

Chris is your average guy with an above-average love of fishing. Regardless of the species, his drive to find a fun and exciting bite takes him all over the Midwest and Canada. From Minnesota Walleyes to Lake Michigan Salmon and everything in between. He fishes various local and regional tournaments and runs a walleye league on his home turf. A member of the Fish Addictions TV crew he is not only in the boat but spends many days out on the hardwater.


"Biggest Plus is not running out of trolling motor juice. My biggest pet peeve on a multi-day fishing trip is not being able to find somewhere to plug in at night, and running short on power. A 3-day Lake Michigan Salmon trip without a trolling motor for staying the course is not fun. I can run multiple days now on a single charge with no worry. Second biggest plus is the math on taking out my lead acid batteries and dropping nearly 110 pounds by installing the 100ah Norsk Lithium. To round out the top 3 biggest plus is the Guardian App which shows exactly what is happening with each battery. The reassurance is priceless. Nothing but positives thus far with Norsk."